Common Breeding Grounds For Mosquitoes

South Florida provides the ideal breeding environment for mosquitoes. With a hot and humid climate, mosquitoes can thrive throughout the year and breed in areas where standing water occurs. Whether it’s swampy areas or upturned buckets in residential yards, these nuisance pests cause a real concern for people living throughout South Florida and across the…

Types of Mosquitoes in South Florida

South Florida is a paradise for people as it is for many animals and pests. Among the known pests, mosquitoes are among the tiniest yet most annoying. A few of these species are particularly dangerous to human and animal health. Common Mosquito Species in South Florida  The black salt marsh mosquitoes, or Aedes taeniorhynchus, are…

Enjoy a Mosquito-Free BBQ This Summer

Everyone from hardcore vegans to meat lovers enjoys a good cookout. Nobody, however, is enthusiastic about sharing their BBQ with pests like mosquitoes. These insects are more than mere nuisances that buzz annoyingly around your face and leave itchy bite marks everywhere. They’re also vectors for numerous infectious diseases, including Zika virus, dengue fever, malaria…

Zika Prevention Tips

With a warm climate, multiple water sources and high humidity, South Florida is a mosquito-breeding ground. While South Florida’s residents spray to prevent annoying mosquito bites, there is another reason to control the mosquito population. Starting in 2015, the Zika virus began spreading across the world. Originally found in Uganda, it spread to Brazil in…